我们努力让所有科罗拉多人都能享受到健康, we work closely with advocates and policymakers across the state to advance public policies that align with the Foundation's 十大优先领域.
We know that we are not the only organization that has experienced change and disruption to its status quo in the last two years. 大流行促使每个组织审查和改变其运作方式. 正如基金会工作的变化为我们开启了重要的学习, 许多其他机构也发现了类似的教训, 包括我们的政府机构.
我们的政策议程看起来和感觉上都与过去不同. 而不是简单地寻找特定问题的政策机会, the Foundation addresses how Colorado’s policymaking process can become more inclusive and equitable. Our Public Policy team gathered perspectives from a wide range of advocacy organizations on how the institutions of Colorado’s state government operate and make public policy decisions. 我们关于 科罗拉多州的政策制定过程 summarizes what we learned about opportunities to reform state policymaking to become more inclusive and responsive to the voices of Coloradans. 今年,我们重点抓好三个方面工作:
- 提高住房负担能力
- 改革国家规则制定程序
- 改革科罗拉多州立法机构的规则和程序
The Foundation sees our policy agenda as a way to focus our voice on some important issues that can bring health closer in reach for all Coloradans. We also have funding available to other organizations engaging in advocacy for health equity across an even broader range of issue areas. 你可以了解我们的 这里的倡导资金.
问题? 电邮至 (电子邮件保护).
倡导州和地方的政策 提高住房负担能力 为低收入的科罗拉多人服务.
我们相信安全, stable and affordable housing is a fundamental human right because it is a critical foundation for good health. 整个州的住房成本都大幅上升, 使低收入的科罗拉多人越来越负担不起一个叫做“家”的地方. Many people across Colorado are forced to make impossible choices between housing and healthy food, 医疗费用, 教育机会,儿童保育等等. 我们的年度民意调查 found that more than eight in 10 (82%) respondents cited housing costs as a very serious problem in 2021.
Colorado’s housing affordability challenges result from multiple factors that will require local and state public policy interventions to change. 然而, the complexity of factors contributing to the current lack of affordable housing presents significant challenges for policymakers at all levels of government. 许多民选官员努力破坏其城市面临的挑战的根本原因, suburban and rural communities face and remain uncertain about which solutions fall within their scope of authority to implement.
倡导国家改革 立法程序 使这些决策过程更加公平和包容.
Many advocates tend to focus their energies on advancing policy changes related to specific issue areas like mental health, 食品安全或经济适用房. 虽然这可以让倡导者在这些主题领域推进有意义的政策变革, 相对较少的演员 科罗拉多州的倡导生态系统 特别关注破坏或挑战治理和权力结构, 哪些定义了如何制定政策决策的过程.
Colorado's advocacy ecosystem's relative lack of attention to reforming the rules and processes by which Colorado's state government institutions make policy decisions produces a bias toward maintaining the status quo – one where people, 社区和组织对公共政策的影响很小. 这, 反过来, 保护结构, patterns and practices in state government institutions that perpetuate racially unjust distributions of power and resources that ultimately make it more likely for the voices of the wealthy and privileged to be heard in policymaking processes.
2021年,基金会有意 收集了广泛的倡导组织关于如何制定政策的观点 科罗拉多州政府机构的程序可以进行改革,使之更加公平, 包容和种族公正. Advocates expressed particular concern and frustration with state boards and commissions’ current processes for issuing formal rules and regulations. They reflected that state rulemaking is currently an exclusive and opaque “insiders’ game” where it is especially difficult for Coloradans who have traditionally not had power and privilege to have their voices heard in critical policy decisions made in the state’s executive branch of government.
提倡改革 操作程序 of Colorado’s state legislature to make its policymaking processes more equitable and inclusive.
Advocates also shared that the processes and procedures of Colorado’s General Assembly make it extremely difficult for Coloradans to make their voices heard in the policy decisions made in the state’s legislative branch of government. Many advocates who have engaged with the state legislature reflected that power and influence is currently concentrated in the hands of lobbyists and the organizations who have the resources to employ them. 事实上, the legislature’s rules and procedures make Colorado’s lawmaking process difficult to monitor and influence for anyone without extensive experience working in the capitol.
虽然这种动态并不是科罗拉多州和我们州的立法机构所独有的, many advocates also expressed optimism that changes to the rules and procedures the General Assembly follows are possible and can produce meaningful shifts in who can have power and influence at the capitol. 例如, many reflected how the option to testify remotely in legislative committee hearings during the pandemic made it possible for more Coloradans to speak directly to lawmakers.