Centering Equity and Justice in Our Work
The Colorado Health Foundation is committed to being a diverse, 以包容和公平为中心的科罗拉多人的健康和福祉的捍卫者. 我们与全州的组织和社区合作,打破实现健康和福祉的许多系统性障碍. 因为种族主义和种族不公正是卫生不平等的主要驱动因素, we prioritize communities of color in all that we do, 我们倡导并投资于推动卫生公平和种族正义的解决方案和政策.
Health is a basic human right. 每个人和社区都有权获得健康生活所需的一切.
People’s identities are multilayered. 一个人的身份由多个相互交叉的因素组成,比如种族, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, country of origin, religion and others. These layers intersect and overlap, 创造相互关联的特权和压迫系统,使一些人无法获得健康.
We acknowledge that we have been part of the problem. 该基金会存在于一个由剥削和压迫有色人种的种族主义政策创造财富的慈善领域. 我们必须在历史上忽视甚至延续种族不公正的制度中与我们固有的权力作斗争.
We need to be a disruptor at times — and part of the solution. 我们能发挥的最具影响力的作用是呼吁人们关注并破坏那些使有色人种无法获得健康的系统,并将我们的学习作为慈善领域的典范.
Our work is guided by three cornerstones that are “must-haves” in all we do: We do everything with the intent of creating health equity; we serve Coloradans who have less power, privilege and income, and we prioritize Coloradans of color; and we are informed by community and those we exist to serve. 我们希望我们的合作伙伴在他们的工作中优先考虑这些基石,以确保我们不会偏离我们的目标.
我们培养了一种优先考虑公平的组织文化和运营方法, justice and inclusion practices. 我们不断实施和发展反种族主义的做法,优先考虑和促进我们所做的一切公平和正义.
We prioritize key “levers of disruption” to maximize impact. 我们制定了一个内部种族正义框架,以确保我们的工作以健康公平和种族正义实践为中心. 这个框架包括我们用来破坏不公平和种族主义制度的工具, such as allocating financial resources, meaningfully engaging with community, cultivating deliberate relationships, advancing public discourse, 促进更公正的政策和做法,有意识地行使我们的权力,同时提升社区的权力.
We hold ourselves accountable. 作为一个致力于追求种族正义以实现健康平等的组织, we hold ourselves publicly accountable by collecting and sharing data that demonstrate our progress in how we center race and ethnicity in our work. The accountabilities show how — over time — our investments, advisors, partners, 受助者和工作人员概括并代表了不同的经验和观点. 我们收集基金会工作人员和董事会的人口统计数据,并要求赠款申请人提供关键的人口统计数据,以帮助我们了解我们的合作伙伴如何处理促进公平的工作.
在基金会,我们的核心价值观包括包容、文化理解和语言公正. 我们致力于将我们的使命扩展为科罗拉多州社区内所有居民的积极变化的积极贡献者和催化剂, particularly the nearly 12% who speak Spanish.
We acknowledge the multifaceted challenges Spanish speakers face. We recognize that addressing language barriers, along with cultural and accessibility needs, is crucial to lessen these disparities. Our aim is to establish genuine, 信任关系,从不同的经历和观点中获益. 我们致力于规划一条清晰的道路,以便更好地与不同的社区接触, honoring the languages and cultures they cherish.
Our journey in this endeavor has been purposeful and strategic, spanning years of exploration, learning and meticulous planning across various internal functions. 它反映了我们通过语言获取和文化关联与西班牙语使用者建立有意义的联系的深刻承诺. 这一战略努力基于以下几个关键原则和见解:
Language as a Barrier: 我们明白,语言是造成不公平待遇和不平等的一个重要障碍.
Spanish as a Priority: While we're committed to serving all language communities, 我们优先考虑与说西班牙语的人交流,同时对未来考虑其他语言持开放态度.
Staff Education: 我们积极让员工参与与语言公正有关的教育和培训, 认识到建立一个双语组织需要共同致力于学习和成长.
Humility and Learning: 我们谦虚地对待这项工作,承认总有改进的余地. 不断学习和发展是更好地服务西班牙语社区的必要条件.
Leveraging Momentum: We harness the existing momentum in Colorado's philanthropic landscape, 理解合作和共同目标可以带来更广泛的积极结果.
Strategic Resource Allocation: Internally and externally, 我们在资源分配和效率之间取得平衡,以确保对语言公正和可及性的可持续承诺.
Our strategic initiative encompasses the following areas of work:
Research: 与科罗拉多州讲西班牙语的人和慈善机构积极接触有助于我们了解他们的需求, obstacles and aspirations. Research initiatives, like the Spanish Pulse Poll and messaging research, guide our tailored approaches.
Staff Engagement and Learning: Our staff plays a crucial role. 为他们提供教育和工具,有助于他们为语言正义做出有意义的贡献.
Human Resources: 我们正在制定人力资源政策,以解决招聘和留住员工的问题, 将我们对包容性的承诺扩展到我们组织的各个方面.
Communications: Our communication strategies, from convening and marketing to evaluation, are designed to be inclusive, culturally sensitive and linguistically accessible.
Grantmaking: We scrutinize every aspect of our grantmaking efforts, 从申请流程到实地考察和能力建设项目, for increased inclusivity. 这项工作包括消除语言和文化障碍,赋予讲西班牙语的社区权力.